You will find all you need to know about individual Blum products in our product database. Product descriptions, technical details, product drawings, CAD data and more items of detailed information can be easily downloaded and directly processed.
You will find a detailed list of technical product features in a special tab.
Product information
Simply use the product categories or free search field to look for the product you need and you will get all the basic information you require at a single click.
You will not only find product images, planning and assembly drawings, but also CAD data for downloading in all the usual formats.
Product features in detail
You will find a detailed list of technical product features in a special tab.
Product information
Simply use the product categories or free search field to look for the product you need and you will get all the basic information you require at a single click.
Your contact
The Product Database is an integral part of Blum E-SERVICES. Blum E-SERVICES is an internet portal which offers customers and partners different online services. Customers and partners can obtain personal access data (including a password) from their Blum contact partner or use the following contact form.
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Find the right fittings solutions quickly and simply, download the CAD data and order products from your distributor.
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Marketing Media Library
As varied as your marketing needs
Product Configurator
Find the right fittings solutions quickly and simply, download the CAD data and order products from your distributor.
Contact form
We are happy to answer your questions
Marketing Media Library
As varied as your marketing needs
About us
Creating furniture fittings for a better quality of living is one of our main goals. We manufacture lift, hinge, pull-out and pocket systems for furniture and provide complementary services and assembly devices.
Fitting solutions by Blum
Our fittings solutions make opening and closing furniture a mesmerising experience.