A non government funded organisation, FIRA (The furniture industry research association) is supported by all sections of the industry through the Furniture Industry Research Association.
FIRA is recognised internationally as being at the leading edge, with world class technology and unparalleled industry knowledge.
FIRA has driven the need for higher standards through testing, research and innovation for the furniture allied industries.
Confirmation of Blum's stringent testing standards are fully supported by FIRA certification.

The British institute of Kitchen, Bedroom & Bathroom Installation (BiKBBI) is the UK's first and only institute dedicated to domestic kitchen, bedroom & bathroom installation.

The KBB NTG was formed in 2004 and is dedicated to developing training and educational programs for the KBB sector. One of their main objectives is to up-skill the existing workforce to reduce the skills shortage and to establish career paths for new entrants into the industry.

The Furniture Makers
The Furniture Makers is the British Furnishing Industry’s central organisation, charity and patron, the only charity specifically dedicated to helping those who have worked in the UK furnishing industry.