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Working for Blum

Successful together

Every individual has their personal qualities and skills; every team needs the commitment of its members. Our company offers diverse jobs which provide opportunities for challenge and responsibility.

We trust in our employees and their skills. We work together to tackle issues and shape solutions in an atmosphere of open dialogue. This is how our company achieves success - through the combination of different skills and personalities and the commitment of every individual. And we want to keep it that way for many years to come.

Blum - a versatile employer

We offer new challenges in a collaborative team environment. Interfaces with other specialist departments open new horizons every day. We work together in a network, deliver solutions and interact on a personal level. Soon after joining the company, new employees are given the opportunity to take on responsibility without being thrown in the deep end.

Due to the flat hierarchy of the company, we attach importance to specialist knowledge. As the person in charge in your field of activity, it will be your job to liaise with internal and external contacts. Appreciation for others and good teamwork are important values to us - now and in future.

All Blum employees, from part-time staff to our Managing Directors, are on first-name terms. This creates an informal and relaxed atmosphere which reduces barriers and promotes communication.

Colleagues say hello to each other in the corridor and hold open doors. You can rely on the support of everyone. No one expects newcomers to know everything! And it’s better to ask the same question again than make a mistake because you’re uncertain.

This is one of the many reasons why Blum is seen as a versatile employer. It’s qualities of this kind that you have to tell others about and experience! A simple list of Blum benefits would not do justice to the company’s offering. We believe that the following information will give you a better insight into our company.

Spotlight on our people


Inspiring and challenging - Blum product development

Our experts turn product ideas into fittings solutions that are ready for serial production.

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